Here's a way of not only saving some cash but also get a great piece of kit that's going to let you get internet access with all your wireless enabled devices.
Wi-Fi modems like this one from Virgin Mobile not only let you get internet access wherever you can get 3G coverage but they're got a built-in wireless router. This router lets you connect up to 3 devices to it's little protected network.
That's your laptop, iPad, phone, whatever. Just turn it on, throw it in your pocket or bag and you're online.
I have no idea why you'd want a standard USB modem anymore. And also why you'd bother to buy 3G versions of whatever it may be.
Price-wise it will save you $20 if you buy a 64GB Wi-Fi only iPad and this device - plus you'll get 5GB included data with the Virgin offering in your first month for a $150 investment. A no-brainer really....